Discover more during Ani’s interviews!

Interview with Marcie Sclove

In Part One of this two part interview, Marcie asks Ani to share about the influence of childhood experience on her spiritual life and her writing. A highlight of the interview is Ani reading “IN THERE WITH THOSE GIRLS,” an award-winning poem she wrote about her father. Part Two of Marcie and Ani’s discussion focuses on The Tremble of Love: A Novel of the Baal Shem Tov.


CLICK HERE to watch Part One.

CLICK HERE to watch Part Two.

Chaim Wolin Interview

In this interview Ani Tuzman talks about her novel The Tremble of Love based on the life of the 18th century Jewish mystic, the Baal Shem Tov.


CLICK HERE to visit The Portland Jewish Hour and listen to the interview.

David Franklin Farkas Interview

Listen to Ani and David discuss the inspiration for The Tremble of Love: A Novel of the Baal Shem Tov, the novel’s relevance to today’s world and more.

(Note: David begins his shows with a few minutes of interesting “Metaphysical Musings.”  The interview with Ani starts at about 6:18 minutes into the show.)

Listen to the interview.


Download the Audio Interview

CLICK HERE to visit the program on The Farkas Files.

Francesca Rheannon Interview

In this interview Ani Tuzman talks about her novel The Tremble of Love based on the life of the 18th century Jewish mystic, the Baal Shem Tov.

Listen to the interview.


CLICK HERE to visit The Writer’s Voice Website.

Empower Your Creative Genius

This is the name of a telesummit on which Ani was a featured speaker in August 2013.

Listen to the recording of Ani’s hour-long interview, Dancing with the Demon of Doubt.


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Ani Tuzman wins the Peter K. Hixson Memorial Award

My Fathers Many LivesMy Father’s Many Lives

Don’t postpone joy.

Don’t tuck it in a pocket and forget which one.

Don’t tell it just one more thing, then…

Read more

Join Ani’s Inner Circle

A great way to stay connected with Love:
Harvesting Love letters. Book excerpts. Recordings.
Resources to help you free the voice of your heart. And more.