Writing Circles for Children & Teens

To nurture the creative expression of young people is to bless the future.

 I See You Writing Circles

Ages 15-18+

Ani is in the process of contemplating and developing “I See You” Writing Circles for Teens, inspired by themes from Angels on the Clothesline, her memoir of childhood.

The best way to be informed of the what, when and where is to Join Ani’s Inner Circle. You are also welcome to let Ani know of your interest in the form below.

Getting Cozy

For Girls 10-12

It is common in our society for girls between the ages of ten and twelve to begin to lose confidence and to doubt and devalue themselves. Writing in an environment of total acceptance, encouragement, validation, and playful experimentation—where one cannot do it “wrong” and where a girl’s creative brilliance and beauty is reflected back to her—is a powerful antidote and good medicine.

What previous young writers at Dance of the Letters have to say:

“You haven’t been writing?! Oh no! The poor characters waiting to be created … stories ready to be plucked out of the deep blue like flapping colored scarves … poems flying around ready to be captured … plays begging you to write them … random rants popping like popcorn inside your head … songs, letters, and fantasy, all waiting …

All they need is your pencil, blank paper, and a spark of imagination. Come to a writing group. You look like you need it! Let your words spill freely!!”

“My daughter not only loves writing more than ever, she likes herself better! You have helped her discover and value her own voice—both as a writer and a person. These groups are much more than meets the eye!”

-Katie George, Artist and Art Educator

Dance of the Letters

For Teen Girls, 13-17

A safe, validating, and uplifting space for girls to be fully themselves and to playfully explore their unique voices and creative genius.

11 Reasons to come to writing group (written by Dance of the Letters young writers):

  1. 90% of people don’t get enough enjoyable writing in their daily diet.
  2. The 10% who do get enough are healthier, more original, and 89.5% more likely to enjoy life.
  3. Ani’s groups are a shelter for blank paper waiting to be adopted by words. Volunteer just a little of your time and fill as many sheets as you can.
  4. If you have trouble relaxing, this is the place for you.
  5. There are snacks.
  6. Everyone who comes will be welcomed with open arms.
  7. We like random.
  8. What’s the good of knowing all those words if you don’t do anything with them?!
  9. You can fill pages with meaningless nonsense. Meaningful nonsense is accepted as well.
  10. Writers are possibly the most interesting people on the planet.
  11. You are looking for an adventure, aren’t you?

“Both of my daughters have thrived on Ani’s inspiration. She is an insightful, gifted teacher who knows how to guide girls into the deep interior place of their own writing. Ani has keen intuition…what she offers is full of wonder.”

-Lauren Rosenberg, Writer and English Professor

Contact Ani for more information about Writing Circles for Children & Teens.

Ani is currently not offering Getting Cozy or ongoing Teen Groups.
She may offer these again, so if you are interested, let her know.


If My Life Were A Cartoon

I would like it to be a colorful one. I used to think my life was—or I wanted it to be—inhabited by Mighty Mouse. Read more

Celebrating Our Creativity

ibetan monks carve icons out of iced butter at the New York Museum of Natural History. They work for days, even weeks, on one carving. Read more

RECESS. Bullying and Resistance on a Playground

Join Ani’s Inner Circle

A great way to stay connected with Love:
Harvesting Love letters. Book excerpts. Recordings.
Resources to help you free the voice of your heart. And more.