by Ani Tuzman | Apr 22, 2016 | Harvesting Love, Presence |
I woke from a dream early this morning in which I had just been told to “add gold to the ocean.” “How one can add anything to the absolute?” I was asking aloud as, still under the influence of my dream, I came to consciousness with no idea who had…
by Ani Tuzman | Mar 11, 2016 | Children as Teachers, Harvesting Love, Writing Inspiration |
Pop Quiz: when is the last time you learned to walk again? This is not a trick question. (Well, maybe it’s slightly tricky, but there’s no wrong answer.) Step. Step. Fall. Stand Up. Step. Fall. Stand Up. Fall. (Perhaps be embraced wildly and celebrated!)
by Ani Tuzman | Aug 1, 2014 | Harvesting Love, Shelter of Journaling, Writing Inspiration |
Fifteen years ago, my father had a dream that offered me a different— and life changing —answer to my question. I had already begun to suspect that “No” might not be the only possible reply to this question. Nonetheless, the truth that it’s not all right to feel happy…
by Ani Tuzman | Jul 9, 2014 | Harvesting Love, Presence, Writing to Heal |
In writing this to you now, I taste again the nectar of that butterfly’s presence and the wonder of my father’s spirit alighting (even if just in my imagination). What a perennial gift writing is, leading us, when we let it, deep into the heart. To harvest the nectar. To harvest love.
by Ani Tuzman | Mar 14, 2014 | Harvesting Love, Presence, Writing Inspiration |
If every item on my to-do list were a person, the line would go out my door, down the road, past the two cow barns, all the way to the banks of the Connecticut, over the river (if the bridge vetoed out of existence had actually been built)—— and then some.