It was my honor and pleasure to be Marcie Sclove’s guest on her inspiring program “Going Deeper.” 

Marcie’s questions (which she had not shared in advance), led me into surprising territory, replete with spontaneity, vulnerability, memory, revelation and joy. 

The only thing I knew heading into this interview—besides trusting Marcie Sclove’s gift for deep asking and deep listening—was to bring my poem, “In There With Those Girls” and a few short clips from The Tremble of Love: A Novel of the Baal Shem Tov.

The rest would unfold.

The interview was conducted in two parts (each about half hour long): the first more personally focused, the second featuring The Tremble of Love.  Part Two follows this in its own post.

Please let me know, by commenting below, what you found of interest or moving in our conversation.  And if someone(s) you know might find something of value herein, please share the video with them (or via social media).

Thank you!


Click here for PART TWO.


G'Mar Chatima Tova

I close with this customary greeting whose literal meaning is: "a good final sealing."  I will add to that:  May you know the love of which you are made.  What better than to know this? 

With gratitude,

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