Take Your Creativity off the Back Burner and Cook up Something Fantastic with the Ingredients of Your Life!

Little revitalizes like creativity. Do you want to play, too?

I will send out a SPARK-A-DAY as soon as you sign on, starting with some tips for choosing your writing intention. Sprinkled throughout will be inspiration about writing.  Savor and Enjoy!

Do you know what NaNoWriMo is? (Hint: it’s not a Native American word.)

I first heard of NaNoWriMo from the teen writers who came every Thursday afternoon to cozy up in my living room with the peach colored walls. They told me that NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month and happens every November. People of all ages from all throughout the world take on the challenge of writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days.

You don’t have to write a novel. It doesn’t have to be November.

“My mom and I have been using your NaWriWhamo Sparks to have a weekly Mother Daughter writing group by phone. She’s telling me stuff about her life I never knew, and I’m learning that she’s a really good writer.”
Christal Boutte

We’ll call this NaWriWhaMo: National Write Whatever Month.

This isn’t about “shoulds” or adding more to your “To Do” list. This invitation is to play and, in the process, to reap the healing joys of writing.

You might write whatever flows through you, or you can choose a particular focus of genre that calls to you.

You might decide to write daily or a certain number of times weekly for 15 minutes (more or less). You might write whatever flows through you or choose a particular focus or genre calls to you, e.g., writing a life review, letters, or poetry; trying your hand at blog posts, essays, or fiction; journaling more creatively, etc. There might even be a book living in you like a hushed (or not so hushed) secret. What a great time to dive in!!!

When you sign up, you will get a wonderful welcome guide to help you set your intentions for your month of writing.

If you feel inspired to play and write creatively, I’d love to support you!


Seek the Nectar

I was on my small deck, reclining in my tangerine orange gravity chair, grateful for the breeze dispersing the mosquitoes. I guess you could say I was daydreaming, which seems …Read more

Write* When there is so much else that needs doing?

Writing just remains a luxury, self-indulgence. It is easy to notice the lack of clean underwear, staples in the fridge, or air in our tires. Read more

Joy In the process